This category focuses on the use of, or inspiration taken from, your national Complaint Standards and supporting materials to improve patient experience by driving improvement in complaint handling and learning from complaints.

This category is for any programme, project or initiative that can demonstrate that it has improved frontline complaint handling / patient experience, providing a more positive experience for people who complain and those who are complained about. You may show how you have used or reflected the expectations in your national complaints standards and the supporting materials to improve the way that complaints are handled. Nominations in this category could also clearly demonstrate how insight from complaints has been used to improve services for the benefit of others.

This category has been endorsed by the Health Ombudsman in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The category is open to any individual, team or organisation working in or for the NHS across the UK, or other organisation referencing your national Complaints Standards. It may be of particular interest to those individuals or teams who deal with complaints or those who are responsible for ensuring that services improve as a result of the insight received through the complaints process.

PENNA 2024 – Making Complaints Count – Winner, Runner Up & Finalists

Making Complaints Count
Barts Health NHS Trust Model Patients Complaints Management Training for Larger Trusts – Digital learning.Click here to read more about the project.
RUNNER UP Derbyshire Community Healthcare Worry Catcher serviceClick here to watch and find out more about the project.
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Improving communication and engagement for our home haemodialysis patients at Leeds. Designing our services for them!Click here to read more about the project.
WINNERClick here to watch the Winner’s present their project live at PENNA24. The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Care at the end of life: Unlocking the learning in letters of formal complaintClick here to read more about the project.

Click here to read the published paper on the project in the British Journal of Healthcare Management.